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Analysis-based improvements

Designing and running bespoke solutions
using thorough examination of what our clients
do well and what they should be doing better.

Analysis-based improvements

Are you ready to be best in class?

While everyone aspires to be at the top of their game, only a small minority really reach their full potential.

So how do they do it?

At G&L Healthcare Advisors, our unrivaled subject matter expertise is the key component of our clients’ continued success and growth.

Using experience gained through decades spent working with companies of all sizes and stages of development in every area of global Regulatory Affairs, our industry-leading experts design, develop and run solutions that give our clients the competitive edge necessary to be at the pinnacle of everything they do.

Do you know what it takes to be best in class?

We believe that it’s exceptional regulatory solutions created by our exceptional regulatory experts.

Unlike other strategic consultancies, all of our attention is focused solely on Regulatory Affairs. Our granular knowledge of everything we do ensures we understand exactly what is required for our clients to become best in class and remain there.

At a glance

  • Independent 'warts and all' analysis underpinned by thorough subject matter knowledge
  • Client-specific solutions designed by regulatory experts
  • Expert insights provide substantial benefits and growth opportunities across your organization

Business is good - could it be better?

Like in any business organization, in regulatory it can be all too easy to focus on what is going well and ignore the areas that need urgent attention and improvement to ensure your continued success.

It can be just as dangerous to overlook your competitors and not evaluate what is working well for them and helping them stand out in the marketplace. 

At G&L Healthcare Advisors, we use our expert subject matter knowledge across every aspect of Regulatory Affairs, Quality Assurance and Clinical Development to provide our clients with an independent, impartial and holistic view of their business and their competition. 

Using this information and data, we are able to obtain a complete picture of any gaps that may be hampering growth, profitability and overall success.

We then use these vital details to design, build and run solutions specific to their exact needs.

Examining every layer of your organization

Many companies make the mistake of looking only at what they do well rather than giving the necessary attention to what they should be doing better.

To obtain a complete picture, G&L believes Benchmarking should be approached holistically and every area of your organization must be thoroughly examined closely - not just the good parts.

Only by first identifying the areas that need improvement in your own organization, can you move to the next stage...assessing your competition.

Getting to know your competition

You already know what you do well, but what does your competition do even better?

Knowing this is the essential component of a successful Benchmarking exercise.

At G&L, we get to know your business inside out and we don't stop there!

By identifying what works for your peers and competition, we are able to thoroughly identify gaps in your performance and the areas that need attention before we begin building and running your strategic solution.

The Benchmarking process

It starts with you

At G&L, we are proud to be curious by nature.

Because of this, we like to take a good look at your organization first.

This gives us a clear picture of what you are doing right and where things could be improved. 

By highlighting these key areas, we can then look to your competition and ascertain where their successes lie.

Information gathering

By this stage, we will have already gathered thorough details of your organization, and then we will examine how it compares with your competition.

By understanding what works well for them and what differs from what you're doing, we can then begin the next stage.

Data informs the strategy

By carefully analysing all the information gathered and building a better picture of your organizational challenges, we can then start to plot your specific strategic solution and route to improved performance. 

Monitoring the situation

Your strategy may be in place, but the process doesn't end there.

In fact, we believe that the strategy is only the beginning and that monitoring must be performed to ensure it is working and, if necessary, refined to meet goals and expectations.

The benefits of Benchmarking

Analysis that matters

By successfully identifying the internal areas that require improvement and your performance against that of your competitors, we are able to design and run solutions that give your business that all-important competitive edge that encourages further corporate growth and development.

Performance monitoring

Market and business trends are constantly evolving and, to keep up to pace with them, Benchmarking should be viewed as a continuous process that consistently checks your organizational performance, allowing you to make changes as necessary.

Improved planning

Benchmarking paves the way for better goals and performance-related metrics to be put in place. By gaining an accurate, realistic picture of the market and competitors, achievable goals can be set and acted towards. 

Improved company knowledge

Undertaking Benchmarking gives a forensic view of your organization and provides valuable insight into what works, what doesn't and what needs improvement. 

This information, if acted upon, is the foundation for future success, improved performance and greater market share.

Our Services

We provide a range of services designed with every client to help their organization reach its full potential.

  • Internal organizational review
  • Gap analysis
  • Organizational strategy and design
  • Competitor analysis
  • Global market analysis and intelligence
  • Cost analysis and reduction strategy
  • Design implementation
  • Risk management plans
  • Change management and program delivery
  • People strategy and talent management

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Case Study

Complete portfolio support

"Our client adopted a new business strategy that required a thorough examination of all current operations and strategies by G&L.

This resulted in the identification of the need for urgent support of a number of key functions including CMC strategy authoring, publishing and submission.

In addition to this, G&L was also tasked with defining new operational processes, driving efficiency gains and cost saving"

Medium-sized Pharmaceutical company

End to End support

Ready to reach your potential?

Discover how G&L can help you do business better

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